Spring Creek Restoration

Flinders, Victoria
Started 2005
100 acres
Project value: $500,000
This property contains the headwaters of Spring Creek, but was severely degraded by cattle grazing. Beginning in 2005, cattle were excluded, and restoration of the creekline has continued ever since. On six separate occasions, the project has been significantly expanded to create a variety of habitats for all kinds of flora and fauna. HRF frequently hosts guided walks on this property, to educate people on how to restore creeks, wetlands and bushland on a large scale.

Main Activities

  • Weed Removal (Sweet Pittosporum, Inkweed, Karamu, Mirror Bush, Honey Bracelet-myrtle, Forget-Me-Nots) – Cut-and-paint, Hand weeding.
  • Weed Removal (Blackberry, Ragwort, Spear Thistle) – Herbicide Spraying.
  • Revegetation – Approximately 200,000 indigenous plants have been installed so far.
  • Significant Flora

    Muttonwood, Austral Ladies Tresses, Coral Fern

    Significant Fauna

    Swamp Skinks, Olive Whistler, Blue Billed Ducks, Freckled Ducks


    Boardwalk through sensitive swamp in Spring Creek
    Guided tour at Spring Creek