Waterholes Creek Restoration

Red Hill South, Victoria
Started 2005
200 acres
Project value: $800,000
One of HRF’s first projects, we began restoring this forest in 2006. With a history of logging and cattle grazing, the forest and creekline had become infested with weeds.  Through gradual removal of weeds, followed by small burns and revegetation, we have brought this forest back to pristine condition.  Now an award-winning project, and the subject of University studies, HRF hosts guided walks throughout the year.

Main Activities

  • Weed Removal (Sweet Pittosporum, Karamu, Pine Tree) – Cut-and-paint followed by burning, Handweeding.
  • Weed Removal (Blackberry, Spanish Heath, Ragwort, Bridal Creeper, Asparagus Fern) – Herbicide Spraying.
  • Large Pine Tree Removal (Pinus radiata) – Felling mature Pine Trees which were then harvested for timber, and the branches mulched and used for the revegetation areas.
  • Revegetation – Seed was collected from existing bushland on the site and propagated in a nursery. The resulting seedlings were then installed where the Pines once stood.
  • Significant Flora

    Mountain Panax, Slender Tick-trefoil

    Significant Fauna

    Powerful Owl, Horsefields Bronze Cuckoo, Echidna, Wedge-tailed Eagle (breeding pair), Dusky Antechinus, Sugar Glider, Microbats


    Viewing tower over Waterholes Creek
    Three years after installation, the indigenous plants are flourishing.
    Ferns at Waterholes Creek
    Harvesting logs from the Pine Trees that were removed from Waterholes Creek
    Mulching at Waterholes Creek